Monday, December 12, 2011

Cruelty towards feral cats needs to stop...

I read a story online today that not only made me cry,  but made me so mad that I couldn't see straight.  In Monroe Ohio 40 cats were taken from a trailer park and killed.  I don't know how some "people" can be so downright cruel to defenseless cats.  It really gets to me because I, along with my mom and brother, take care of a small colony of ferals.  They are my babies and it scares me to think that someone might harm them.  I worry about them everyday and when one doesn't come up to eat I think the worst until I see them.  I feel for the people  that were taking care of them because I know about the love they had for those babies.  Because I have the same love for my babies.  So, please be a little more understanding of ferals.  They don't have a nice cozy home to sleep in.  And the people that take care of them, are the only love and kindness they receive in this world.  <3

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